Our rules may seem odd - harsh even, but they are simply designed to keep our residents in a safe, Christ embraced environment.
Please review the rules below and give us a call or stop by when you are ready or needing such a place. Welcome!
These rules are for the safety and peace of mind of the residents of the Mission. Our goal is to help the men who desire to make a better life for themselves by avoiding the temptations of their former lives.
1.Individuals will attend church at different times with the Mission staff during the week or they may attend a church of their choice if staff approved. ____
2. Attendance at Bible study is an important part of improving one's life. If you are at the Mission during Bible study, you will be expected to attend. ______
3. THERE WILL BE NO ALCOHOL OR DRUGS consumed by the residents on these premises or anywhere else, as long as that individual resides at the Mission. A breath test or a UA test will be given if you are suspected of consuming alcohol or drugs. Violation of this rule will cause the resident to be signed out for at least 7 days. If you refuse to take either test you will be signed out for 30 days. ______
4. THERE WILL BE NO profane or vulgar language at any time. Residents are not to borrow or loan money without checking with the staff first. This is for your protection. ______
5. Our facilities cannot accomodate animals of any kind; therefore, NO ANIMALS are allowed. ______
6. LIGHT CIGARETTES, SMOKE, OR CHEW TOBACCO in the DESIGNATED AREA ONLY. Be sure to put cigarette butts in the proper container. No tobacco of any kind will be allowed upstairs. ______
7. All cell phones must be turned off during meals and Bible study. ______
8.Residents must sign in and out when they leave the mission during their stay here. Also, Monday -Friday by 9 am residents need to be signed out and leave the mission. This time is set aside to find jobs, going to work, doctors appointments, any other meetings, and more. Residents need to be signed back in by 4 pm unless pre authorization is given to come back early or stay out late. _____
9. Residents need to keep good hygiene practices ______
10. The DRESS CODE states there will be NO baggie pants or do-rags worn at any time. ______
11. RESIDENTS can have visitors on the premises only if there is staff present, and if arrangements have been made prior to the visit. ______
12. Any loss of property through fire or theft is not the responsibility of the Mission. ______
13. Any personal property left at the Mission when a resident moves out becomes the property of the Mission after 7 days if arrangements have not been made prior to that time by the owner and the staff. ______
14. Each man will seriously seek employment while living at the Mission.
All rules are subject to change.