We Believe
We believe that the one God exists in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: co-existent, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.
We believe in the deity, virgin birth, death, resurrection, and soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Father, the very God, for Whom and by Whom all things are created.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person who has come as the fulfillment of Christ's promise.
We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts, draws us to God, indwells, seals, infills, empowers and guides the believer.
We believe that the Bible consisting of 39 Books in the Old Testament and 27 Books in the New Testament and they are given by the very inspiration of God, inerrant, infallible, and verbally God breathed. The Bible is our guide in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe that sin is transgression against God.
We believe that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We believe that the wages of sin are death resulting in eternal condemnation unless the sinner repents, asks for forgiveness, and receives Jesus Christ into their lives as Lord and Savior.
We believe that salvation is provided by the grace of God, to whosoever will receive it, when we place our faith in Jesus Christ, who shed His blood for our atonement on the cross. The believer who has exercised faith in Jesus Christ possesses eternal life.
We believe that the true church is composed of people everywhere who have been born again by the Spirit of God.
We believe that all believers should assemble themselves with a local body of Christians in obedience to Christ.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead. The righteous will be raised to live forever with the Lord. The unrighteous will be raised and confined for eternity to the Lake of Fire.